Sunday, January 31, 2010


Not Allowed- chapter soon to come.

Rose's Turn- New cahpter. Almost over, but there will be a squeal.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rose's Turn

New chapter of Roes's Turn!!!!! Please review and tell me what you think!!!!

Not Allowed!

I am back!!! Yeah!!! So just to let you know another chapter of Not Allowed is up! So go read it! Ok I am working on the chapter for Rose's Turn, but it might take longer then thought because I really want this one to be perfect! And I would of been done if  I didnt get a stomach bug on the way to NC. So yeah I'm a little better, but should be fine soon. So thanks for all the reiews!!!

Lot of Love

X.x Undead Heart x.X

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not Allowed! and Roes's Turn!

Not Allowed:

So all of you who read Not Allowed Thanks. So a new chapter should be up by Monday. I'm sorry for the long wait, but we had some family issues and we have to go out of town for a couple of days! So I'm taking the compture in the car and going to writing non-stop! Maybe I'll have 2 chapter's ready by Monday! Finger's crossed! Trust me though it's going to be worth the wait.

Rose's Turn:

Ok so all of thoes who read Rose's turn  dissapointed me on the last chapter! I worked my butt off on it and nobody reviewed!!! That is really sad! So like I said Sorry for not updating soon. Had some family issues and I am going out of town this weekend. So hopefull a new chapter y Monday. If I dont get at lest one review I might stop the story so please please review!

Thanks Love Yall

X.x Undead Heart x.X


Welcome!!! This is the very first log of many! In this blog you will get all the deats on the books I've listed, (Spoiler Aleart!) on the storys I have wrote and anything else you guys want. Top Music is also going to be talked about! I hope you read and enjoy! Next blog might not be for 4 days because I will be out of town, but after that there will be more! Oops! I forgot there will also be pomes! That I myself wrote!

So toady I will just tell you about some of my stories. I have an acount on same name as here! You will get all my stories there. Or you an go to this site --> WWW.

So please check it out!

Lots of Love
X.x Undead Heart x.X

Song of the day: Three Days Grace- Over and Over
Word of the day- Fang (from Maximum Ride) a extreamly hot gothic boy! Also Maximum Ride's boyfriend. =(